
Episode 19: Recovering Software Engineer to a Believer in Open Source with Gunner


Allen Gunn aka Gunner self-identifies as a recovering software engineer and CTO. After the dot-com bubble popped circa 2000 he founded a non-profit called Aspiration which is a values-driven nonprofit technology organization. For those lucky enough to have attended an event Gunner has facilitated will know, he has the gift of gab. He was so good on this episode that we asked him to become a permanent host/panelist and he said YES!


Justin Dorfman | Pia Mancini | Richard Littauer | Eric Berry


Allen Gunn (Gunner) of Aspiration

Show Notes

01:10 Allen’s Background

02:32 Conferences

05:10 Allen’s Experience That Lead Him to Where He Is

09:01 Building Capacity Toward Sustainability

10:15 What You Would See at Allen’s Conferences

  • Cognitive Dissonance
  • Equitable Knowledge Transactions

13:30 Hard Conversations in Open Source Communities and How To Bridge Those Conversations at the Conferences

20:07 Self-Obsolescence

25:30 Control Takers vs. Love Bringers

29:55 Why Gunner is in Tech and not Politics

39:16 Gunner’s Thoughts on Sustainability

Justin W. Flory's Episode Notes


  • Nadia Eghbal
  • Brandon Keepers
  • Cat Allman


Justin - Carbon - A simple PHP API extension for DateTime

Pia - CodeBuddies

Richard - HackMD

Eric - Bulk Insert Ruby Gem

Allen - Allied Media Project

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