
Episode 41: The Donut Diet, Commitments, and More Awesomeness with Dave Gandy

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Justin Dorfman | Richard Littauer


Dave Gandy
Font Awesome

Show Notes

Producer's note: When the show "ends," we are still recording while we all say goodbye. This time our goodbye turned into a great conversation with Dave after we finished recording Episode 33. With Font Awesome 6 coming out soon, we thought, why not celebrate by taking that extra tape and make an extension/bonus/part-2 episode? We hope you enjoy it! 🍩

Hello and welcome to Sustain! In this episode, we have Dave Gandy, from Font Awesome, talking about how he and his wife each lost 50lbs, how they did it, and about how important self-care is today. He will also tell you how he fit two donuts a day for a month into his diet, which he refers to as the “Donut Diet.” Download this episode now to find out how he did this and listen to the great advice he shares with us.

[00:01:38] Dave talks about how he lost 50 lbs with working out and how “Stronger U” nutrition came into his life.

[00:03:57] Dave explains his cheat days and he refers to it as “The Donut Diet,” eating 2 donuts a day for a month, and still kept the weight off.

[00:05:51] Dave tells us about why the Stronger U membership is so good and worth the price to pay.

[00:07:20] Richard talks about how he is trying to meditate every day and how you have to put in time to meditate to get better and Dave brings up prayer which is another form of meditation.

[00:09:45] Richard brings up how all this applies to open source which is all about putting your money where your mouth is and making commitments.

[00:10:58] Dave talks about the best way to self-care. Great advice here!

[00:12:23] Dave talks about how there’s no such thing as failure, because you are growing and developing as person. He also talks about how to not worry about fear.


[00:05:10] “I don’t think there is evil and good food. There’s not evil foods and there’s not hero foods, there’s just food and there’s the stuff that we like.”

[00:06:04] “This isn’t a business where free trial can work. You’re not going to see it, unless YOU DO IT!”

[00:06:44] “It’s not so much about extending the years of your life, it’s about taking the ones that you have and making them better!”

[00:10:38] “The commitments we make to each other help make things stronger!”

[00:11:16] “The way to the best self-care is other care. When you worry about others, you think about them and try to do that first, you end up in a weird way taking care of yourself.”

[00:12:35] “If you’re doing it the way that you think is right to begin with, there is no such thing as failure.”


Dave Gandy Twitter

Font Awesome

Stronger U



  • Produced by Justin Dorfman at CodeFund
  • Edited by Paul M. Bahr at Peachtree Sound
  • Show notes by DeAnn Bahr at Peachtree Sound
  • Ad Sales by Eric Berry at CodeFund

Special Guest: Dave Gandy.

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