
109. Year in Review

In Review

  • Do we actually need CSS in JS?
  • Utility classes and Tailwind
  • CSS Grid is great!

React Hooks

Headless UI Components

Looking Forward

Today's Sponsors


Square has API's and SDK to make payments easy! Square lets you bootstrap your e-commerce site with payment forms to quickly embed a checkout experience into a website. You can then go beyond payments with APIs to help manage orders, catalog, inventory, or employee management.

They've recently launched a new YouTube Channel for Developers - check it out to learn how to use Square SDKs and APIs to make payments and run a business at


Datadog provides real-time monitoring for cloud-scale environments, unifying metrics, distributed traces and logs into one platform.
Check them out today at to start your 14-day free trial and don't forget your T-shirt!

Shout out to our continued supporter: Webflow

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